Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sometimes, Tuesdays are Mondays

Isn't it strange how the first work day of the week seems to bring dread with it? Monday is a day portrayed as a day of great mishaps, especially in Garfields world. Today was my Monday. It wasn't particularly a good day, but it started my week nonetheless. On a happier note, knowing my monday has passed, it only gets better from here on down to the weekend.

Patricia was here for yesterday. She had flown up for Valentine's Day weekend and I enjoyed spoiling her with Boise's best cuisine. Perhaps her absence was the worst of todays evils. I miss her terribly already. Tomorrow brings with it hope... the fire that drives all humanity. If we have no hope than we have lost everything. Looking into the future I have hope, hope that I will finally get to be with the one I love. Hope will keep me afloat.


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