Wednesday, April 7, 2010


As the engine to my car comes to a calming silence the call has already made its way to me.  Music from "Chariots of Fire" begins as I try to make a sudden dash towards the house.  Keys may fall, feet may trip, I may fall, but the yearning continues.  Naturally the fall stops the music like a broken record.  Summoning strength from beyond the realms of taste, hunger, and satisfaction....I rise to my feet only to find the music renewed in its energetic vigor.  Finally I reach the screen door.  In my haste I don't expect a locked screen door.  It is only a matter of milliseconds before momentum proves its has a secret lethality to it.  Like a fly just hit by a fly swatter, my face and the screen become one.  Naturally there is a bounce or recoil effect and therefore I stammer backwards with a newly printed mesh grid upon my face.  I have not been defeated, I cannot be least not easily.  Maybe I should change music.  I change the channel and suddenly my resolve is doubled as I hear "We Are the Champions" play in my head.  I charge the screen door again, this time coming to a halt just before hitting it.  My key enters and turns....I think it was the right way.  Anyway the screen door begins to sob as I triumphantly swing it open.  Door #2 now stands in the way.  We all know that Door #2 has a secret hate for me.  Time and again it has jammed itself just to see that I am unable to get in.  Today it was the sneakiest of all, it opened without complaint.  As I cautiously passed through, I half expected a blade to fall like a guillotine.  I know that I will have nightmares tonight of what the door secretly has planned.  For now, I passed it without problem, a red letter day to be sure.  Ahh, by now you have forgetten the reason for all this rush, but I haven't.  I know where it is, I know what I want, but I still have to do my chores.  With superhuman power I manage to blaze through two more doors to collect the mail without breaking a sweat.  I fill up several smaller water bottles with a gallon of water displaying my feats of grace and balance.  Then I clean up the water on the floor that started flowing upwards as though gravity had suddenly changed, that or else maybe there wasn't as much grace and balance as I originally submitted, but its ok, we all have our downfalls.  Finally the time has arrived.  As I swing open yet another door a cool breeze sends goosebumps up my arms and I shutter with delight.  Orange, purple, or yellow.....hmmmm, decisions, decisions.  I grab the purple and hug it tenderly.  I nuzzle it up against my chest feeling the curves and contour of a container I am all too happy to see.  In leaps and bounds I make my way up the stairs, hitting my head on the shallow roof in the process.  It doesn't matter, I am seconds away.  I jump to my bead, bottle in hand.  Slowly I release the captive and am sent into a feeling of utopia.  With every gulp I am refreshed 1000 times over.  I put the lid back on and bundle up into the fetal position, protecting my prized posession.  Juice.  Today it was grape juice.  Every day I come home to juice and if there is no juice it isn't home, the store is my new home.  I deny being carried away with or being addicted to juice.  I just like it....a lot.  Drink juice, its good!


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