Monday, March 22, 2010


Mondays.....don't like me very much.  At least monday mornings don't.  This morning I woke up to my alarm clock feeling nice and refreshed, but I thought I would push the snooze and lay in bed for about 5 minutes.  As I lay there I started to hear a crackling sound.  I wasn't sure if it was a drizzle, a trickle, or a crackle.  Lately there has been a mouse issue so I automatically began to think that a mouse was eating my chocolates.  As I turned on the light I couldn't seem to see anything on the floor.  Then I looked on the bedside desk.  I had managed to knock over my water bottle, and it hadn't sealed completely!  Water was rushing all over!  It was already all over the wallet, dripping on the computer paper below, and a few drops were also landing on my laptop!!!  I never got up so fast in my entire life.  I whipped into action saving everything I could.  Then on the way to work I kept on getting stuck behind extremely slow people which made me arrive later than I would have liked.  When I found a parking spot, approximately 20 minutes after beginning the search I turned off the car only to realize I had forgotten my security badge.  Without that, I couldn't get into the lab!!  So I figured the best course of action was to walk over to the research offices, clear on the other side of the hospital campus.  When I arrived, guess what.....nobody was there.  Not my supervisor, not the administrative officer...nobody.  So I headed down to the lab hoping I could slip in when somebody swiped their card.  Eventually I got in....but only to discover my supervisor had gone to the ER over the weekend.  I was sent home.  From there things got better.  Ughhh, what a typical monday morning.  Thank goodness for Tuesdays. 


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