Thursday, March 11, 2010

Survival Tools

Survival is an interesting concept.  Survival is 90% preparation, 9% creativity, and 1% luck

   In order to survive there are several things you must learn before becoming stranded in any circumstance.  First on the list is to understand what is most important.  You can only go so far without...  Can you fill in the blank?  1- Water, 2- Shelter, 3- Food.  Because our bodies are such a high percentage of water that is first priority.  You simply cannot last long without water.  Shelter is the next priority to avoid illness, extreme temperatures, and protection.  Finally food, of course food in combination with the previous two items will make you a complete survivor because you need strength.  Strength is derived from food, believe me...I'm a biologist.  Remember there are several types of food.  Most important on the list for survival is meats.  Meats are so good because chemically they skip a few steps for you in giving off energy.  Yes, we need our greens, but if we are very malnourished, meat will help a lot.  Don't go too quick though, that can hurt just as much.

  One of the things you can do to increase your chances of survival is to think like the locals.  By locals I mean the plants (in a forest, etc) or the people who live there (if lost in a Metropolis or somewhere else)  There are a few things you can carry around with you that may be of assistance.  A pocketknife is probably the most useful tool you can be lost with.  Next, consider the skill of using chopsticks (you probably won't find a fork in the wild) which can increase sanitation and double as a weapon if necessary.  I'd hate to be the one killed by chopsticks, can you imagine the embarassement of telling the others how you died.  Next, a mirror.  Mirrors have a variety of purposes.  Most importantly you can look in the mirror and estimate how many years have passed by wrinkle count, layers of dirt, or perhaps beard length.  Other practical uses include getting things unstuck from your teeth, signaling aircraft, and starting fires.  A quick word of advice on fires.  Remember that if you want a fire in a forest you may want to build something to prevent it from spreading too much.  The last thing you need is a forest fire.
"Remember only you can prevent forest fires."
  Sometimes all you need is a little bit of luck.  Getting lost in the right place, somebody chancing to see your fire, or a beautiful oasis that sets you up for life (making it unclear whether or not you want to actually go back).  I won't say that surviving depends on luck....but it certainly doesn't hurt.

I hope whereever you are and whatever you're doing, that you survive.  If you can learn how to survive, maybe...just maybe... you will finally learn how to live, not just survive.


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