Sunday, May 2, 2010

Is it wrong?

So I can't help but almost feel bad about using some old stake directories the way I did.  Near the front it always has a little note about using the directory only for church purposes.  What exactly does that mean?  Here is what I used it for.  Before my girlfriend left we did a little bit of wedding planning.  Some would say it is a little premature, but if you think about it, if you don't plan to succeed it will be nearly impossible to succeed.  Obviously we understand that things may happen but we are more than willing to be prepared and do a little work for nothing if that is the end result.  If the result is success than we are prepared, which is of greater benefit than any downfall to the idea.  Anyway, she gave me an old stake directory with highlights on all those she wanted to invite to the big event.  Likewise I obtained an old stake directory, highlighted it, and then transferred data from the two onto a file we have been working on for the wedding.  In effect I created an initial guest list/invitation list to add to the other info we had decided on (such as colors, a few songs, etc.).  I must say, those kinds of lists are dull to type and very time consuming.  I hope that it was not in vain.  Obviously it will need updated when the event is much closer to happening, but this initial information speaks mountains for remembering those who need to be invited.  If plans go badly then if nothing else, my half will make an excellent Christmas card list.  Church use....not sure, but who can really define that anyway?


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