Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cinnamon Rolls...Happiness rolled and baked to perfection

I love to bake; to bake, to cook, and to create flavors that can change an entire days outlook. Cinnamon rolls for a poor college student can represent a state of happiness not easily achieved elsewhere. It is a little bundle of joy wrapped again and again in sweet softness, drizzled with liquid smiles. No matter what kind of day you have at work, you can come home to those rolls you made, and they will be waiting...patiently. They don't judge you, have you complete impossible tasks, or wonder if you will fail. They are confident in you. You made them, so of course you can handle them. Having made them yourself you receive an extra dose of pride as you gulp down the delicious treat that will eventually clog your arteries. No guilt from this baker....I deserved my cinnamon roll today. I worked hard pushing figures around on paper and on excel trying to prepare the next experiment in our research project at the hospital. Down in the basement I am deprived of food and drink (they call it safety protocol) as an evil disguise for torture. As if this wasn't enough, they block the faintest glimpses of sunlight with curtains that look just like the electrophoresis gels I run day and night. Is it a coincidence? I think not. We are constantly reminded that our lives now revolve around the repetiveness of simple laboratory procedures and this blocks all hopes for joy or sunshine. Perhaps our work is just a cover for the real experiment. Maybe I am the lab rat. Regardless, I deserved my cinnamon roll.


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