Friday, February 19, 2010

Story time

Once upon a time there was a magical place and a magical time when things were not as they seemed. In such a magical place there was a hustle and bustle of many a person. They would all smile as they went on their way. Crossing one another here and there, it all seemed to have a robotic flow to it. Where it went and from whence it came was all in the eyes of the beholder. With so many people your neighbor constantly changed. In this magical place there was a funny tradition. Excitement boomed as this weekly tradition soon approached. They hopped and skipped a few hours before, then with great fury the tires would soar. Yay, yay, it has arrived! Happy "Don't have to work until Monday"!!! It seemed so exciting for most, but not all were so excited. In every story there is someone or something different than most. We meet a scrooge or a grinch, a hero or heroine (female hero??). In todays story we meet an unusual subject. In the hundreds that go from here to there, there is no excitement for this one... not to go anywhere. At work or at home, in transit or doesn't matter, for it all seems the same. Hooray for "Don't have to work until Monday???", no not to him. He is all alone yet again. How ever will he survive the two days that lie between this week and next? Perhaps he will blog, or eat ice cream, or something else to make himself fat. Perhaps he will be more productive by cleaning, or sleeping, or fixing.... something like that. Luckily our story too has a hero. Through the waves of air that seperate this place from that; there our hero is, just doing what they do best. They are an encouraging word, a voice of concern, and a person who cares. They are love, hope, and beauty combined. Though distance there is, 'tis not greater than the comfort felt by the heart of a grateful boyfriend. Thank you my dear for just being you. This is my story, at least, until happily ever after...


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