Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Big Boys Don't Cry

Growing up is an exciting adventure.  When we are young we long to be older so that we can do more.  When we become older we realize that with all we can do, what we must do is scarcely what we want to.  I am happy to report that my supervisor has returned to work with sufficient strength to continue experimentation.  Unfortunately for me, this came as my family decided to visit for a day.  They wanted to take me to a family fun zone to go play on go-kart, laser tag, arcade games, etc.  What I ended up doing was eating a quick breakfast, heading off to work, and returning in time to eat dinner with them and send them on their way home.  I don't always get to be with the ones I love, in fact I scarcely if ever do.  I don't get to play very much either.  Nonetheless I am content with being a hardworking young man.  If nothing else I have a sense of accomplishment?  Yes, I meant to put a question mark there.  I need to figure this out.


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