Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Monday I think I made a terrible mistake.  After driving several hours to get home from California I attended the weekly FHE with the local singles group.  Among other things we decided to play dodgeball.  As athletic as I am, I really haven't been using my upper body lately.  So playing dodgeball it turns out uses a great deal of upper body muscles.  Long story short, my body hates me.  My muscles ache like never before.  It is a catastrophe trying to sleep or move, or well....really anything.  On the other hand, I had so much fun.  Its been a really long time since I played dodgeball and several chairs and tables were set up so it added an extra element.  On one of the games I was the last one on my team and three guys with very strong arms were left on the other team.  Fortunately they were also very arrogant and proud which worked to my advantage; I managed to get them all out and we won.  Its nice to see I still got the touch.  Well, even though my muscles ache now, at least I hadn't lost my accuracy and speed.  What is my conclusion?  Perhaps I should work on my upper body strength so I don't have to suffer the aches as much afterward.  Besides, its nice to maintain balance. 


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