Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Productive Day...Away From Work

Yay!  I did it!  I finally had a productive day without being at work.  This morning I woke up and got dressed up to go play soccer.  Then I drove to a nearby city where I had seen some soccer fields.  I spent the next three hours running, kicking, throwing, and juggling.  Luckily they had one of the straight "wall" goals so that I could kick it and use the rebound to kick again.  I never realized how much energy goes into each kick until I kicked repeatedly (about one kick for every two seconds) for several minutes.  Playing soccer by oneself isn't the most exciting thing however.  I'm thinking of trying to recruit some local people from the singles ward to come play each weekend.  It would give us all something to do and give us exercise...something I doubt the TV and computer are doing for us.  I know that most of the locals like soccer because we usually end up playing at the end of each FHE on Mondays.  Upon returning home from my work out (and getting a bite to eat) I focused my energy on cleaning up the yard.  This consisted of a lot of weed pulling, raking, and burning.   Initially I tried to burn everything in a barrel, but it was such a slow process that I knew I needed an alternative.  Conveniently placed to the side of the barrel is a big dirt pit...why it was there is beyond me, but it was full weeds.  I cleaned it up to the point where it was bare for several feet in diameter and then began a pile.  On one side of the pit was a dirt mound....probably from the dirt that had been removed to make the pit.  I stood there with a large shovel ready to pounce on anything I didn't like.  All in all it went pretty well....I saved some work for later (I admit to being exhausted) after cleaning up a good portion of the property.  I only singed a few hairs on the inner arm (looks like I shaved just below the wrist) and came away smelling like smoke.  When I came inside I took a shower, threw away my soccer socks (you should see the holes = - p ), and started laundry.  So, to recap....I worked out playing soccer, served my aunt by cleaning up her property, and finally did my laundry.  Final score: Anton 1, Lazyness 0.


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