Friday, March 12, 2010

1:00pm Traffic

Having lived in a somewhat big city for the last couple of weeks I've realized that traffic varies considerably with hour.  Rush hours really do exist after all.  Being raised in a small farming community, it was hard to judge if the rumors were true.  There are several tricks you have to learn in order to get where your going when your going.  Half the battle is finding a parking spot once you've arrived.  Today I got off work early.  Let me tell you that outbound traffic at 1pm is heavenly.  All green lights, nobody cutting you off, and no old folk doing 30 on the 55 portion of the highway.  Even the exit was clear, with only two or three cars ahead of me at the traffic light.  That same exit during rush hour is backed up at least a mile for 2 to 3 hours.  Thank goodness for an early start to a weekend.  I just might have a good weekend after all.  I know it could be better, but I welcome anything to make it better considering my circumstances.  Hope you enjoy your weekend too!!


Verlynn said...

I'm not seeing very many posts here. Sister Schardt was here tonight at our apartment for dinner with her zone. She's getting over a cold but doing great. Sister Smith

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