Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Long Absence

I can't believe I haven't written in as long as I have, but I've been traveling trying to sort out all the details of extending my internship.  The trips have taken quite the toll on me; leaving me letterless for an extended period of time as well as exhausted and sunburnt on the drivers side only.  All I know about Patricia has been what her family has forwarded to me.  It is great to hear that she sounds more and more like a missionary.  She is working very hard and making everyone very proud.  Below is her last e-mail addressed to all who wish to know about her experiences.

Spring has finally arrived in Provo!!!! thank goodness. it hasn't snowed in over a week!!!!
Every week we do a Wika task or language task. Wika is tagalog for language. This week's task was to meet someone in the Teaching Evaluation Center and tell them about our families in tagalog. Since I had an old family picture (both grandma schardt and hercules [family dog] in it) I used it to talk about you guys! I think i did pretty good. After wards, we taught a lesson to the same person in english about the restoration of the gospel. Even though the volunteer was a return missionary from manila, it was still a pretty powerful lesson. My companion Sister english, the spirit and myself make a pretty good team. Thank goodness for the spirit. It would make teaching nearly impossible. The language is coming along pretty good. I've stayed out of the health clinic this week which is a miracle! I've been playing sand volleyball all week and doing the splits for the ball. Last night we had a fireside by brother Allen from the missionary department in SLC. It was amazing he pretty much gave us a pep talk about being kind to ourselves. he also reminded us of a president hinckley quote "Don't do anything stupid." He reminded us that even though once we get out into the mission field and we are jr. companions we still have the right to excersie our agency and tell our companion no if they are doing something stupid. Then he showed a bunch of old "Mormon" commercials from the 70s. I finally finished reading preach my gospel last night. Now i'm working on my lesson plans for the 5 lessons. Some of the scriptures i've been reading during personal study are 2 nephi 2, all of Enos, 2 nephi 3, Ether chapter 5 D&C 76 and 107, oh yeah and moses 5, If you don't have a book of mormon and would like to see what i've been reading you can log on to LDS.org they have all the scriptures you need on there to read. Love you all and miss you!!!


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