Thursday, April 29, 2010

Missionary mania

Today I got another letter from my fair lady.  I was so happy to hear that she is doing so well.  I couldn't help but laugh as she proceeded to tell me of the many things from my letters she had shared with her friends at the MTC.  Apparently we are quite the entertaining pair and so, as my girlfriend puts it, they live vicariously through our letters.  The funny thing to me is that I have so many people I know who are serving missions and I am writing to such a small percentage.  I'm certain that I could do better.  Anyway, I guess I should double check myself before sending anything out because I never know how it will be used.  My girlfriend thanked me for my support and asked some questions about things she read in the scriptures.  Her mission has opened up a whole new dimension to our relationship.  I am more than happy to help her in any way possible and we are able to study and search the scriptures together for a common purpose.  I think that before her mission we were more likely to read instead of study.  Hopefully this is something we can apply to our relationship to last an eternity.


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